T-Rex: The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is that what language you learn influences how you see the world! It's definitely not strongly true but maybe it's weakly true!
T-Rex: But who cares about THAT, because today I'm introducing the T-Rex hypothesis!!
T-Rex: The T-REX hypothesis says that the end of the YEAR you learn influences how you see the world! Put December at the end of the year and each year is a journey from death, to rebirth, to death - quiet at the ends, noisy in the middle, a sandwich with lousy bread and amazing meat. But put JULY at the end of the year and suddenly its end is its best part!
T-Rex: Now a year is a different sandwich: one with AMAZING bread and bad meat!
Utahraptor: Interesting!
Utahraptor: But in Australia, December is one of the warmest months, so it already ends in rebirth.
T-Rex: Aha! You may think this DISPROVES my hypothesis, but it just makes it testable! Now I need only travel to Australia and ask 'em what kind of meat sandwich a year is!
T-Rex: Excuse me! What sort of sanger do you think a year is?
Off panel: Oi! That sentence resists easy understanding, I reckon.
T-Rex: Okay well I ALREADY EXPLAINED all its context back in NORTH AMERICA