T-Rex: I'm tired of doing things on computers!
T-Rex: From now on, MY hobbies are PHYSICAL!
Dromiceiomimus: You mean like - exercise?
T-Rex: Oh no. No. Hahaha, no. I meant, like - woodworking.
T-Rex: At the end of the day, I want something I can POINT to and say "I did that!"
Utahraptor: Like a nice well formatted spreadsheet!
T-Rex: Exac-- NO!
T-Rex: It has to be PHYSICAL. Raw materials must be TRANSFORMED.
Utahraptor: Data's physical. You arrange magnetic fields on a --
T-Rex: Physical AND at my scale, not microscope scale!!
Off panel: T-Rex, here's an giant early mechanical computer, in which every command results in the PHYSICAL whirring movement of gears and levers.
Off panel: ka-CHUNK ka-CHUNKKK
T-Rex: Okay
T-Rex: I'm going to allow that because it rules