T-Rex: I know a woman who has never barbequed because the men in her life have always done it for her!
T-Rex: And I know a man who can't sew because the women in HIS life always do it for him!
T-Rex: So here we have two people who can't cook meat on a fire or mend a tear in their clothing, and that seems SUBOPTIMAL. If she ever finds herself lost in the woods with a grill and some propane, her dinner is going to be INEXPERTLY PREPARED! And if HE ever finds himself lost in the woods with a needle and thread and tear in his shirt, when he gets rescued it's going to be AS TORN OR WORSE!!
Utahraptor: Both these fates don't sound TOO too bad.
T-Rex: But you know what I mean though!
T-Rex: Whether out of love or an idea of what's proper, these two people have closed off entire avenues of human experience to themselves because they don't think someone of their gender is supposed to know that stuff! I want to know ALL the stuff! I want to gorge myself at the buffet of life experiences!!
T-Rex: I want to eat so much that they kick me out, and then I want to throw up in the alleyway and sneak back in and pour whole trays in my mouth while others watch the staff trying to pull me off, as disgusted as they are impressed!
Off panel: That's -