T-Rex: 60 years ago we thought we'd have flying cars. 40 years ago, we at least thought we'd have a human level AI. 20 years ago, we thought we'd be surfing the information superhighway in VR and accidentally downloading viruses into our brains.
T-Rex: ALL WRONG! What if the future isn't predictable at all?
T-Rex: What if the sum total of all activity on this planet is SO COMPLICATED and SO COMPLEX that it simply can't be measured, let alone predicted? What if, rather than marching into a bright tomorrow that we can all see on the horizon, we're instead stumbling towards a dark unknown, and any landmarks we THINK we see up ahead are wishful thinking at best and mirages at worst?
Utahraptor: Well that's pretty bleak, T-Rex!
T-Rex: It sure is!
Utahraptor: And pretty defeatist. I can still predict what you'll do at the individual level, so the future isn't ENTIRELY unknown.
T-Rex: Come on, I'm not THAT predictable!
Utahraptor: Yes you are!
T-Rex: No I'm not!!
Off panel: T. Rex, this is me unfolding a piece of paper on which I've written the words "T-Rex is going to say 'no I'm not.'"
T-Rex: Wow!
T-Rex: My friend, you have narrated that action, which I can see perfectly but which would be invisible if things were framed just so, PERFECTLY