T-Rex: You know what's a fake idea? DESTINY IS A FAKE IDEA.
T-Rex: And heeeeeere's why!
T-Rex: Let's say you're destined to become a great filmmaker, but you're born in 1475. Oh dang, sorry! FILMIC ART DOESN'T EXIST YET! Sorry about your fate, bro!
Dromiceiomimus: Well wouldn't your destiny then to be a great, I don't know, chimney-sweep or something?
Dromiceiomimus: 〚small〛 It's my understanding that past chimneys were kept well-swept on the regular
Utahraptor: Seems to me like "destiny" is just applying supernatural motivations to what happened anyway!
T-Rex: YES.
T-Rex: Claiming you have a DESTINY supposes the universe has a preferred shape AND that there's a force plotting out storylines, but that it isn't quiiiite strong enough to always ensure they happen.
Utahraptor: Lot of big assumptions to make just so you can make some dang movies!!
T-Rex: This is how come instead of saying "it's my destiny to" I just say "I would really prefer it if in this chaotic multiverse, the parallel timeline my consciousness inhabits is the one in which I"!
T-Rex: It's a little thing called "SCIENCE", babies??