T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes (world's greatest detective) and Watson (world's greatest detective sidekick) were walking down the street, looking for crime. And they found it!
T-Rex: Boy howdy, did they find it this time!
T-Rex: It was an armed robbery! And while Sherlock and his best friend could easily DETECT who the culprit was - it was the guy with the gun demanding everyone's rubies - that wasn't much use in PREVENTING the crime. Sherlock's skills were in detection, not in physically restraining criminals! And THAT'S how the criminal escaped with everyone's precious jewels.
Utahraptor: Oh no! Did this cause a crisis of faith for Sherlock?
T-Rex: Nah.
T-Rex: He let the criminal go, but now they were on HIS turf. Sherlock detected him ruthlessly, detecting not just where he had gone, but where he was trying to unload the rubies, the motivations he had for doing the crime, and even detected an upcoming double cross twist that the criminal himself hadn't noticed!
T-Rex: In the end, Sherlock detected the rubies back to their rightful owners, and thus, while personally poor, he remained a strong force for the property rights of megarich jewel owners.
Off panel: This seems fraught.
T-Rex: Sherlock detected that too, yeah