T-Rex: A new year! A chance for a new start! A chance to leave behind the mistakes of the past!
T-Rex: Assuming, that is, none of my past mistakes can affect the present!
T-Rex: So let's see... well, not paying my bills is still having an impact now, as is my horrible - YET AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS, NO REGRETS - diet. And my continued response to sincere emotional outreach from my loved ones (flippancy and jokes because the idea of anyone seeing my true self is terrifying) made me the man I am today!!
T-Rex: ...So that's a thing.
T-Rex: Hmm. Could it be the new year is NOT a new start?
Utahraptor: It's not!
Utahraptor: But it is a chance to work towards a new DIRECTION. Your past created you, but it doesn't have to define you! Today's your chance to imagine the person you want to be, and work backwards to figure out how someone STARTING as you could end up being that other guy!
T-Rex: I am ON IT!!
T-Rex: I gave up on hitting "like" on all my own posts on social media the second after I post them but it's still a struggle everyday, AMA