T-Rex: Attention, artists! Have you hit a block and now you're looking for inspiration? Well look no further, because I come to you with good tidings. I come to you with SURE-FIRE INSPIRATION TIPS!!
T-Rex: 1. Go back in time and steal ideas from da Vinci, then push him into a puddle and call him a nerd!!
T-Rex: There's no shame in it. Everyone's done it. He's used to it and barely even minds!
Dromiceiomimus: 2. Alternatively, go back in time and prevent any other artist from creating great work! Culture grades on a curve, and when you return you'll be pretty hot stuff even though you're just producing the same work as before!
Utahraptor: 3. Steal ideas from your future self.
T-Rex: You'll always be one step ahead - AND behind!
T-Rex: 4. Induce a catastrophic failure in your time machine, causing everything in the universe to freeze in one single moment, except you. What's more inspiring than the beauty of a split second, endlessly preserved??
Utahraptor: You'll have eternity to ponder it!
T-Rex: Just remember: aim for the stars, and even if you miss, you'll die in the endless dark void of space! You will suffocate and no longer need to sell your labour to survive!!
T-Rex: These are the only ways to become inspired; there can be no other options. PEACE