T-Rex: Sometimes folks get tattoos they regret! They're all, "Like ALL emotions, this particular emotion I'm feeling right now will last forever! I should definitely get this indelibly inked on my living flesh!!"
T-Rex: To them I say:
T-Rex: Feel ashamed of (that particular aspect of) your body no longer!!
T-Rex: For I am here to FIX YOUR TATTOOS with CLEVER IDEAS. For example, perhaps you are a guy named Joe with a tattoo that says "JOE AND CHRIS FOREVER", but now you and Chris got divorced? Just add a colon and one word and you get "JOE AND CHRIS: FOREVER DIVORCED"! Done!
Dromiceiomimus: What if they get back together?
Utahraptor: But what if they break up again?
T-Rex: See, you think you're gonna stump me, but I've got this too!
T-Rex: Take what's there and add "...IS WHAT THIS WOULD SAY IF WE WEREN'T DIVORCED AGAIN; THANK YOU FOR READING ALL OF MY EXTREMELY LENGTHY TATTOO". But honestly, at this point, my professional advice would be just tattoo a scribble over the entire mess and instead get a picture of my face.
T-Rex: With a banner above it that says "HE'S GREAT" and one beneath it that says "YES, HE REALLY TRIED TO HELP"