T-Rex: My superspy character, Angola Maldives, found himself facing a physical AND mental duplicate of himself. "I've cloned you, Maldives!" shouted his arch enemy, Brussels Samoa. "Cloning doesn't work that way!" retorted the first Angola.
T-Rex: "It does now!" said Brussels, and amazingly, he was telling the truth!
T-Rex: Brussels had figured out how to make cloning work like it always does in garbage stories: a sample of blood was all it took to produce a clone with the exact same body AND MEMORIES of that person. It seemed impossible, but, well, here we are. The only downside Brussels missed was that the clone of Angola wasn't evil, since he had the exact same world-view as the original. Whoops!
Utahraptor: As Brussels was getting beat up by twice the Angolas as usual, he felt disappointed!
T-Rex: Yes!
T-Rex: Or rather he would've, if THAT Brussels wasn't a clone. The original Brussels was gone, long ago lost. Brussels was a man constantly being recloned at age 32, never progressing, stuck in a perpetual now, never able to learn from the mistakes his older clones had made.
Off panel: But the rest of the world advanced around him, right?
T-Rex: Yeah, so it was actually pretty cool and he got to see what the future was like, and all in all it's a reasonable trade-off that I would gladly take.
Narrator: THE END