T-Rex: The "grey goo" nightmare scenario that haunts nanotechnology may be fiction - FOR NOW?? - but there IS a technology that has already escaped our control and is working to reproduce itself indefinitely.
T-Rex: I speak, of course, of "music"!
T-Rex: Music, or "Musical USIC", was developed thousands of years ago, originally as a way to fill those troublesome, awkward pauses in conversation. However the technology soon mutated, using OUR OWN BODIES to reproduce. Many who have been exposed to music report feeling songs were "stuck in [their] head" and could only be exorcised by singing, whistling, humming, or playing the song in question - which of course allows the infection to spread.
Utahraptor: Worse, many of us have been lost to music!
T-Rex: Sadly, this is true.
T-Rex: Even today, millions of lost souls - already under the influence of music - decide to dedicate their lives towards producing more of it.
Utahraptor: Others pay for the privilege of standing around watching others produce music on a stage. This bizarre behaviour is thought "normal".
T-Rex: Even Presidents have been seen producing music, and under their oversight music was included on the Voyager spacecraft, spreading the infection out to the cosmos. Earth shall not be forgiven.