T-Rex: There's a joke that says "to the lobsters in the kitchen, the sinking of the Titanic must've seemed like a miracle!"
Narrator: featuring t-rex
T-Rex: First, the good news: fresh lobster WAS on the Titanic's menu, and the Titanic DID sink. The premise of this joke is sound.
Dromiceiomimus: Phew.
T-Rex: I agree. However, the lobsters could've had their claws bound or pegged, making survival impossible on the ocean floor. The sinking of the Titanic would not have changed this.
Utahraptor: This is a pretty thin miracle so far.
T-Rex: Unfortunately, it gets worse.
T-Rex: Lobsters live in shallow water, and would be crushed to paste at oceanic depths. Finally, lobsters have a distributed network of ganglia instead of a centralized brain, which means conceiving of a god, let alone one that can conjure miracles, may well be beyond their abilities.
T-Rex: Their brains are so different that sensing how they experience the world, comprehending their ineffable LOBSTERNESS: this forever will remain beyond our reach, the nature of our bodies denying any true mutual understanding.
T-Rex: But we do know that this joke is FRIGGIN' BUSTED