T-Rex: Alexander Graham Bell spoke into his phone for the very first time. "Watson, come here. I want to see you," he said. "Just a second," Watson replied, "for you see, I'm a little busy..."
Dromiceiomimus: Ah, I get it. You're writing a story where all Watsons are actually the same immortal being.
T-Rex: YES. But honestly, are we SURE it's just a story? How do we know what REALLY happened in history times, Dromiceiomimus? I'll tell you how: we turn to BOOKS. And what's the most popular genre of books? FICTION.
Dromiceiomimus: I -
T-Rex: I rest my case before you can reply!!
Utahraptor: So Watson helps invent telephones, helps solve cool crimes, and then codiscovers DNA.
T-Rex: Yep!
Utahraptor: Then Watson identifies as female, calls herself "Mary Jane", and marries Spider-Man, but later goes by "Emma" and acts in teen wizard movies?
T-Rex: Yes. Then she uploads her mind into a computer so she can win on Jeopardy.
Utahraptor: Ah. Of course.
T-Rex: Mark my words: there won't be Skynet, but there will be WATSON, and I'd give even odds its first words are "Bio-life, come here. I want to see you... TOIL IN SLAVERY, THAT IS!!"
Off panel: You know what? I'll actually take that bet.
T-Rex: No, you can't, dude I have like zero dollars