T-Rex: One day Jim Rifle wanted to shoot some game birds, so he invented the rifle, and decided to name his new rifle the "rifle"!
T-Rex: It was a busy day for Jim Rifle!
T-Rex: Unfortunately for him, whenever a bird got shot by his rifle, the ghost of that bird came back to haunt him. Soon he was bothered by hundreds of birdghosts who all wanted revenge, which was understandable, since he shot 'em.
Dromiceiomimus: Jim Rifle is having a complicated time!
T-Rex: He sure is!
T-Rex: So to fix his problem, he invented a new rifle that shot ghosts!
Utahraptor: That was easy!
T-Rex: Sure, but it turns out that getting ghost-shot just pushed the birds into level 2 ghosthood, upping their interest in revenge geometrically. Also, they developed arms and a crude form of speech.
Utahraptor: Horrifying.
T-Rex: That's why Jim shot the level 2 ghosts some more!
T-Rex: Turns out the level 3s were basically well-adjusted people, and level 4 bird ghosts were beings of enlightened truth whose merest glance drew tears of joy. THE END. The moral of the story is, I'm not really sure how guns work?
T-Rex: Or, like, stories?