T-Rex: Adults think other adults are the best, teens know teens are the coolest, and kids posit that kids rule while parents, in comparison, drool. But you know who's REALLY the coolest?
T-Rex: Dang ol' BABIES.
T-Rex: You can take a baby, put it down in a room full of complete strangers making crazy noises, and that baby will do the following: presuppose those noises have meaning, INDEPENDENTLY INVENT THE VERY IDEA OF LANGUAGE, and then learn to communicate in that language. They will stone-cold deduce rules of grammar FROM OBSERVATION ALONE, and they'll do it way faster than an adult ever could.
Utahraptor: But babies are stupid! They crawl off cliffs if given half a chance!
T-Rex: Absolutely!
T-Rex: Our offspring are idiot savants who think "oh, lexical categories, I'll definitely come up with that idea ENTIRELY ALONE. Hahah oh no a poop came out, time to cry for six hours while simultaneously inventing subject-verb agreement." And they're coming up with these thoughts WITHOUT EVEN HAVING A LANGUAGE TO THINK THEM IN.
T-Rex: Meanwhile, I can't even think "I wanna eat meat tomorrow with Utahraptor" without literally thinking those words in my head like it's friggin' amateur hour.
T-Rex: *sigh*