T-Rex: As the fantastic fellow that I am, I've decided to reward my friends for their hard years of friendship!
T-Rex: I will be rewarding them by giving out prizes: anything their heart desires!
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, I would like to reward you for being my friend! What would you like?
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, I didn't become your friend because of the chance of a reward! I'm not sure this is a good idea: people might find it insulting!
T-Rex: Is that true? Could others take my offer of prizes to be an insult?
Utahraptor: Easily!
Utahraptor: Here's why: it implies that being your friend is somehow deserving of recompense. You insult yourself, but you also insult us, because if we were truly your friends, we wouldn't want prizes! The fact that you are offering them implies you think we'd take them, which implies that you think our friendship is insincere!
T-Rex: Good God, you're right! Let me make this up to you. We'll go to the movies!
T-Rex: That'll be fun, eh?
T-Rex: My treat!