T-Rex: Hello and welcome to Today We Are Making A Food! Today's food is "Meat Lasagna". To start, you'll need four haploid female reproductive gametes!
T-Rex: These can be easily harvested from sexually-mature landfowl!
T-Rex: You will also need 1 cup of an organic, warm white fluid produced by and extracted from the mammary glands of a cow. This can be heated to reduce the number of viable pathogens contained within, and chilled to delay decay and decomposition. Also acquire 3 tablespoons of a water-in-oil emulsion of damaged phospholipid membranes and milk fat globules.
Dromiceiomimus: This colloid may be sold in your supermarket as "butter"!
T-Rex: You'll also need 1.5 pounds of interior cattle flesh, ground into a uniform mash!
Utahraptor: Delicious!
T-Rex: Finally, procure some unleavened paste made by melding water with the edible portions of grasses, rolled flat and cut into sheets. Boil the sheets, brown the flesh, mix the gametes with the animal mammary juice, place in layers, and cook at 449.817 Kelvin for 5400 seconds!
T-Rex: This will serve 6-8 alive humans, most of whom will readily consume this product so long as you don't ever show them this recipe!