T-Rex: Here's the 411: we don't need words to speak anymore! We can use NUMBERS!
T-Rex: We can save words for when it's a 911 situation!
Dromiceiomimus: For when it's an emergency situation?
T-Rex: That's correct, Dromiceiomimus! Or should I say, "100%, Dromiceiomimus!"?
Dromiceiomimus: Either is acceptable
Utahraptor: I don't think you can keep this up!
T-Rex: Try me!
Utahraptor: Okay T-Rex: what would you say if... YOUR COMPUTER'S FILE SYSTEM GOT CORRUPTED?
T-Rex: I need 0!
Utahraptor: That's the number for Directory Assistance. Nicely played!
T-Rex: Thank you, thank you.
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Wait a second: Utahraptor totally set me up for giving a sweet answer with that question!!
T-Rex: AWWWW, I love pals