T-Rex: Is it Friday? That's great, because Friday is a good day for secrets, and it's the BEST day for
T-Rex: This one's for humans only! When a human has a baby, it travels through one of them human birth canals, and then doctors measure and weigh and clean baby up, and then bring thon back to the mom. They'll also give the baby eye ointment! But why would a child need eye meds right after birth?
Dromiceiomimus: Maybe they have dry eye dise-
T-Rex: STDs. They're for STDs, Dromiceiomimus. You know: gonorrhea, chlamydia. The usual!
Utahraptor: It's so the babies don't get them?
T-Rex: It's so the babies don't GO TOTALLY BLIND.
T-Rex: These STDs are bacteria, and if baby gets 'em in the eye, bad things can happen! It's just a precaution. Mom can carry them and be asymptomatic, so better safe than sorry!
Utahraptor: But isn't that terrible symbolism? "Mom is dirty and cannot be trusted; baby must be sterilized NOW no matter how clean Mom says she is"
T-Rex: Oh man, that reminds me!! If there's one thing I never ever want to do in my life, it's get involved in an argument about birthing politics!
T-Rex: Hah hah hah PHEW good thing I remembered