T-Rex: Looks like it's time for some...
T-Rex: Many poisons don't taste like anything, so hey! Keep that in mind when eating!
T-Rex: Also, try not to eat fire! Your digestive system is ill-equipped to deal with it and it has extremely low nutritional value.
Dromiceiomimus: Any non-eating PSAs?
T-Rex: Ladies! Are you a mammal? I read this thing that says a bunch of mammals wear bras that don't fit properly. Maybe look into that, huh?
Utahraptor: I gotta say, I'm not feeling especially public serviced!
T-Rex: I've got some just for you!
T-Rex: Utahraptors! Many of you have large toenails. There may be special shoes you can buy; check into that and let me know.
Utahraptor: That's not a PSA! That's you asking me to do your research.
T-Rex: Utahraptors! Did you know: SACRIFICE IS A PART OF FRIENDSHIP??
T-Rex: Yep!
T-Rex: It's a good thing nobody remembers THAT LITTLE DETAIL when they first decide to become pals!