T-Rex: Suddenly I feel as if my future is full of new choices, new directions!
T-Rex: My choices are mine to decide!
T-Rex: But yet, I feel troubled. If I make some change in my life, what of those I leave behind?
T-Rex: I am happy here, but I know I won't be happy if I stay here forever. Leaving becomes a bitter-sweet necessity.
T-Rex: If only there were some way that I could come back to now... some way I could save this world to peek in once in a while.
Utahraptor: Why so glum?
T-Rex: I was just thinking how, if I were to leave, that would change many things.
Utahraptor: Nostalgia for the present?
T-Rex: Yeah, I guess so.
Utahraptor: I'd be careful with that, T-Rex... nostalgia can be a powerful drug!
T-Rex: I'm high right now!