T-Rex: Seeing as I missed Thanksgiving last month, I am celebrating a new holiday today, one which I just invented! I call it, "American Thanksgiving"!
Narrator: (similar, but distinct, from regular Thanksgiving)
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, would you like to come over tonight for a big "American Thanksgiving" dinner?
Dromiceiomimus: Sure! I'll bake a delicious pumpkin pie for dessert!
T-Rex: Excellent!
Utahraptor: What's the deal with this "American Thanksgiving" holiday you invented, T-Rex?
T-Rex: Well!
T-Rex: It's a time for us to reflect on all the great things we have, such as food and shelter! You spend an evening with friends and family. Want to come over for American Thanksgiving?
Utahraptor: Sounds great! I'll bring some of my famous pumpkin pie!
Utahraptor: You can never have too much pie!
T-Rex: American Thanksgiving is similar, but distinct, from regular Thanksgiving.