T-Rex: Another year without me being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize! I hate to be "Mr. Where's My Peace Prize Already", but, well - here we are. I GUESS that's who I am now. I GUESS I should get some new business cards printed up.
T-Rex: This is kinda getting old, you guys!
T-Rex: I'm just - I'm not sure what else I can do, Nobel Peace Prize Award Committee. Ask anyone if I can get more peaceful! They'll say "No way, dude!!" or they'll say "I'm sorry, I don't know who T-Rex is."
Dromiceiomimus: Yeah, but the prize isn't for being peaceful! It's for working TOWARDS peace.
T-Rex: Hello?? I've done so much work for peace!
Utahraptor: Like what, T-Rex?
T-Rex: Um, like not becoming a brutal world dictator?
T-Rex: By failing to take even the SMALLEST STEP towards dictatorship, I've saved millions of lives that would otherwise be lost in the ensuing conflict. Wow, you guys! That's a lot of peace!
Utahraptor: That's just inaction with good PR! That's not work.
T-Rex: BELIEVE ME, some days it's work.
Off panel: Okay. I kinda set you up for that.
T-Rex: And I kinda ran with it! That's why we're such good comedy partners!
T-Rex: I mean FRIENDS