T-Rex: OKAY. In my new alternate history, everything is the same, except for one pertinent detail:
T-Rex: Instead of my skin being green, it's purple!!
T-Rex: And the whole book is this alternate T-Rex writing about how his life has gone so far!
Dromiceiomimus: Alternate history autobio? I think you've invented a new genre here, T-Rex!
T-Rex: I KNOW!
T-Rex: The only problem is, the book's only super awesome if you already know me, otherwise you won't notice the differences.
Utahraptor: And let me guess: the difference is that we're all racist against you?
T-Rex: Nope!
T-Rex: You guys aren't racist. Actually, except for the skin thing there's not really ANY differences, and come to think of it, I don't think I even mentioned my skin colour either.
Utahraptor: ..Seriously?
T-Rex: No worries! I'll just pencil in "PS, I was purple the entire time!" on the last page of every copy!
T-Rex: So!
T-Rex: It turns out it was way more fun to write it in all the other autobiographies instead