T-Rex: Guys, it's totally easy to predict the future. Observe: IN THE FUTURE, the general public will be given ample opportunities to purchase the solid gold hits of this, our current decade!
Dromiceiomimus: IN THE FUTURE, portrayals by others of our shared past will infringe upon our memories of it, and people born after our time will only understand it through the shorthand aspects of cultural consensus found in the media.
T-Rex: Just like how everyone in the 20s was a flapper!!
Dromiceiomimus: Exactly!
Utahraptor: IN THE FUTURE, our actions and beliefs will be evaluated by standards we didn't have!
T-Rex: No doubt!
T-Rex: IN THE FUTURE, we'll solve the old problems but we'll also have new problems.
Utahraptor: Also, we'll still have some of the old problems.
T-Rex: The future, ladies and gentlemen!!
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Maaaaan!
T-Rex: I forgot to predict friggin' ROCKET BOOTS