T-Rex: Well, my screenplay for "(A)bort, (R)etry, (M)urder?" didn't work out. Nobody wanted to produce it! So, I have started a new screenplay, based on the Structured Query Language for databases!
T-Rex: It's called...
T-Rex: "UPDATE bodies SET status = 'DEAD'"!
T-Rex: It's about a database administrator for a large company who uncovers a secret database by accident!
T-Rex: A database... of MURDERS!
Utahraptor: Your screenplay, once again, appeals only to a micro-niche market!
T-Rex: How do you mean?
Utahraptor: Well, the only people who will enjoy it are those in the intersection of the set of people who know databases with the set of people who like crappy movies!
T-Rex: Pretty nerdy, my friend!