T-Rex: I have been assuming that our development as a people is linear, moving generally from less to more permissive. It occurs to me:
T-Rex: Maybe that isn't always the case!
T-Rex: Maybe 100 years from now people will look back on us and say "MAN I can't believe they permitted lifestyles different than my own, current lifestyle. Sheesh!"
Dromiceiomimus: Or maybe they'll look back and be aghast at all the animals we kill and eat for food?
T-Rex: Aw man, do you really think so? Frig, I'd be TOTALLY POOCHED. I've eaten so many friggin' animals!
Utahraptor: Most of us have though!
T-Rex: Yeah, but I'm totally the worst.
T-Rex: Future folks can munch on a carrot, look back on us and say "They were wrong to eat so many tasty animals." FINE. But then when they see the caliber, frequency and verve of MY animal consumption, they'll spit out their carrots in surprise! And the carrot chunks are 99% guaranteed to spell out the words "HISTORY'S GREATEST VILLAIN"!
Off panel: Come on! Our culture COULD end up swinging towards rampant fleshotarianism instead.
T-Rex: That's true. Man!
T-Rex: The future having different opinions than the present is making it REALLY HARD for me to be popular across all possible timelines.