T-Rex: I found out about the best word yesterday: "frigorific"! It means "cold". With this word I can now finally say the sentence, "DAAAAMN, girlfriend, that was totally frigorific!"
Dromiceiomimus: "Frigorific" is actually old news, T-Rex! It was Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day last - Thursday, I think?
T-Rex: You know what? Screw those guys, man! I don't even care if it WAS their Word of the Day last week. It's my Word of the Day TODAY.
T-Rex: Anyway, who trusts a Word of the Day chosen by the publisher of a DICTIONARY?
Utahraptor: Basically everyone?
T-Rex: It's ridiculous! It's like asking Kellogg's what their Cereal of the Day is. Hey, here's a hint! I BET IT'LL BE A CEREAL MANUFACTURED BY KELLOGG'S!
Utahraptor: But M-W will obviously choose words in the dictionary!
T-Rex: THEIR dictionary, not THE dictionary! There's like 80 billion words they've never heard about.
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: See? I couldn't find "sexplosive", "mathemagician" "backne", OR "ambisextrous"!
Off panel: I'm pretty sure my life is better without those words.
T-Rex: Utahraptor! No one has ever said that about "ambisextrous"!