T-Rex: If I were impatient, I'd be a jerkier person. I'd always be hurrying people up, and people would not want to hang around me in grocery store lines.
T-Rex: Furthermore, if I didn't have my sense of humour, chicks would like me less!
T-Rex: Clearly, my personality is Important! It's why my friends like me. But strokes can change people's personality, and anyone can have one at BASICALLY any time! It's totally ridiculous. My body already has like five ways it can betray me for no reason that I can name off the top of my head, and those ways are called Alzheimer's, Old Age, Respiratory Failure, Heart Attacks, Terminal Boner Fever, and Dementia. IT DOES NOT NEED ANOTHER.
Utahraptor: "Oooh, look at me, I'm T-Rex and I've found another way to be terrified of the future!"
T-Rex: I'm not!
T-Rex: I'm terrified of DYING. Totally different.
Utahraptor: Most everyone else gets through life without being terrified of death, T-Rex, and some even look death in the face every day! You should talk to stunt drivers, or like, bear aggravators. You could learn from them!
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Excuse me, stunt driver? Are YOU afraid of death?
Off panel: The only thing I'm afraid of is NOT parachuting out of a hot air balloon, landing on a motorcycle, and jumping over 16 buses end-to-end!! EXTREME!!
T-Rex: So... yes?