T-Rex: The curses of the Greek gods:
T-Rex: not actually that bad!
T-Rex: For example: Prometheus! Guy gives fire back to mortals, and as punishment by Zeus he's chained to a rock and has his liver eaten by a vulture every day. But his liver magically regenerates overnight!
Dromiceiomimus: So?
T-Rex: So Prometheus' liver is a perfectly clean, natural and renewable fuel source! He doles out to the world a small amount of an INFINITE SUPPLY of biofuel daily. Way to go, Prometheus!
Utahraptor: Seems like a pretty painful way to go through life!
T-Rex: Still, it's not that bad.
Utahraptor: What about Cassandra, prescient but cursed so that nobody believes her?
T-Rex: Screw everyone else! She can avoid falling pianos and win the lottery. BOO HOO. And before you say "Sisyphus", he's immortal, PLUS he's got time to ponder the universe, PLUS a buff bod. All I'm saying is, it wouldn't be terrible.
Off panel: Up next, we have a man who claims he was cursed by a Greek god, and who now has preternatural knowledge of what the winning clips will be on every episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.
T-Rex: It's not that bad!!