T-Rex: Hypothesis: all movie titles can be made better by the addition of the word "Friggin'".
T-Rex: Proof by selected examples!
T-Rex: Back To The Friggin' Future!
T-Rex: Bill And Ted's Excellent Friggin' Adventure; The Ten Friggin' Commandments; Honey, I Shrunk The Friggin' Kids!
Dromiceiomimus: What about Gone With The Friggin' Wind, Casa-Friggin'-Blanca, and It's A Friggin' Wonderful Life?
T-Rex: Some Like It Friggin' Hot?
Utahraptor: Come on, this is all the same joke!
T-Rex: There is nuance, subtlety in the placement of the Friggin'. Contrast and compare The Friggin' Sound of Music; Guess Who's Coming to Friggin' Dinner; Big Friggin' Trouble in Little Friggin' China; and Yes, Virginia, There Is A Friggin' Santa Claus.
Utahraptor: Okay, I think I get it!
Off panel: Pride and Friggin' Prejudice.
T-Rex: Right on!
Off panel: Look Who's Friggin' Talking!
T-Rex: Yes!!
T-Rex: ...You're doing it wrong.