T-Rex: The Fantastic Four are four people with fantastic powers!
T-Rex: There's a rock guy, a fire guy, a stretchy guy, AND an invisible woman!
T-Rex: But the thing is - the rock guy, Ben, has a great catch phrase: "It's CLOBBERING TIME!" He says it when it's time for him to clobber something, and it works really really well.
T-Rex: And the fire guy, Johnny, has a great catch phrase too: "FLAME ON!" He says it when it's time for his flames to turn on.
Utahraptor: But the stretchy guy, Reed, and the invisible woman, Sue, don't have catch phrases, do they?
T-Rex: Until now!!
T-Rex: When Sue turns invisible she should say "now you see me, now you don't", and when Reed stretches HE should say nothing, but everyone around him should say "ohhh, big stretch" like when they see a dog or cat stretching.
Utahraptor: We need to get these in front of whoever's writing the Fantastic Four comics, stat!
T-Rex: ..."COMICS"???
T-Rex: ?
T-Rex: ??
T-Rex: ????
T-Rex: ?
T-Rex: ??