T-Rex: Let's say I've done something that I'm really proud of! And let's say I'd like to share this fact!!
T-Rex: Well guess what happens next?
T-Rex: What the heck! If I don't share my successes, who will? And obviously there's a line between "hey this good thing happened to me" and "bragging", but how am I supposed to know where that line is without experience? And maybe good things don't happen to me often enough to GET that experience, huh? EVER THINK OF THAT, SOCIETY??
Dromiceiomimus: I guess it depends on HOW you share the good thing.
T-Rex: But that's complicated, and different people respond differently!
Utahraptor: Yep!
Utahraptor: That's the nature of all things interpersonal! There's no one-size-fits-all solution, and even so-called "rules" of etiquette change VERY quickly. I suppose, like most things in society, it depends on a complex, reactive, and always-shifting network of stimuli and responses.
T-Rex: Booooo
T-Rex: Stop making living in a society sound like something I could be bad at
T-Rex: Boooooooo