T-Rex: In an era of mass production AND mass consumption, I stand out from the crowd! For you see, though I may use the same phone as literally millions of other people...
T-Rex: ...THIS rare and unique dude has CUSTOMIZED his icons!!
Dromiceiomimus: Didn't you use an icon pack that you downloaded?
T-Rex: I mean, YEAH, I didn't MAKE the icons, but -
Dromiceiomimus: So couldn't there conceivably be millions of others who downloaded the same icon pack??
T-Rex: Aw dang it
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Okay, now my icons are a bespoke merging of SEVERAL icon packs!
Utahraptor: So unique!
T-Rex: I mean, it's an improvement, but I could still be making my own icons. But I'm not, because I've decided there's more to me than can be captured in a single "label" like "icon customizer".
Utahraptor: Wait, were you doing air quotes on "label"?
T-Rex: Let me make it more obvious...
T-Rex: "Yes"