T-Rex: Paper streets are when mapmakers are like "man I bet someone's gonna copy my map, so I'll put a fake street on my map so I'll be able to tell when anyone copies it!!!!!"
T-Rex: Mapmakers are very enthusiastic people, hence the exclamation points!!
T-Rex: Take it down a notch, mapmakers! You don't need to shout. We all know you just love making tinier versions of things that are as accurate as possible. We all know you're the kids who made perfect model airplanes and then one day got lost in the woods with your planes that couldn't help you, and you fell to your knees and shook your fist at the sky and swore "One day I will perfectly model... THE WHOLE WORLD".
Utahraptor: Whoah. Mapmakers have a supervillain-style origin story?
T-Rex: I'm SO INTO IT, Utahraptor.
T-Rex: Their endless pursuit of tiny perfection? It OBSESSES them. But it's that inevitable shattering final recognition - that a perfect map is indistinguishable from another - that drives them insane, until they madly introduce errors to their work, so that by these errors THEY SHALL BE KNOWN.
Off panel: ...Mapmakers have a lot goin' on, huh?
T-Rex: Oh man, all you have to do is whisper "psst, maps are useful precisely BECAUSE they're simpler and therefore less accurate versions of reality" and HEADS EXPLODE!