T-Rex: Oh, not much!
T-Rex: Just worrying about my personal brand!
T-Rex: Sometimes I'm concerned I'm not marketing myself to others effectively, you know? I don't even have a video resume highlighting my personal development successes! I'm MINIMALLY leveraging my reputation capital and don't even ask me about my impression management initiatives!! SHEESH. Honestly, my unique value propositions are barely differentiated for front-of-mind positioning.
Utahraptor: T-Rex, you are the product of millions of years of evolution!
T-Rex: And how!
Utahraptor: We can trace a single, vibrant line from your birth all the way back to the very origins of life on earth.
T-Rex: Nice!
Utahraptor: And, as this pinnacle of evolution, YOU ARE HONESTLY WORRYING ABOUT YOUR "PERSONAL BRAND". This friendship is OVER.
T-Rex: Hah!
T-Rex: Utahraptor's personal brand is soooooo sassy