T-Rex: At the instant you were born, you were the absolute pinnacle of our planet's development!
Narrator: a web card
T-Rex: Millions of years of evolution were all leading up to that one amazing moment of your birth! Billions of individuals - entire SPECIES - had risen and fallen, all conspiring together to produce one thing: you!
T-Rex: ...Then you went ahead and lost any specialness from that a second later when someone else was born. Nice one.
Utahraptor: But you're also special for what you know: information that's recorded nowhere else in the Universe!
T-Rex: Yes!
Utahraptor: What idle, passing notions briefly entertained you before falling asleep last night? What snack did you sneak last week? All this information is known by only one person in the entire Universe: YOU.
T-Rex: And you consider this information so irrelevant that you forgot it almost as soon as it was known!
T-Rex: Untold volumes of information have been forgotten by you! As they fade unnoticed from your memory, so too do they fade from the Universe. Each future generation has been robbed of this knowledge, expunging it, as you have, completely from existence.