T-Rex: I know that getting a transplant is serious business, and that it can be a traumatic event.
T-Rex: But it's also kind of awesome!
T-Rex: If you've got a transplant, it's like you've leveled up! AS A PERSON. The rest of us are stuck with the genes we were born with, but you've got SELECTION. You're made out of the best parts of other people!
Dromiceiomimus: It's one way of looking at it!
T-Rex: It's the BEST way of looking at it! Plus, anyone who's had a limb or organ transplant is way more mysterious.
Utahraptor: How do you figure?
T-Rex: Listen. I can tell you what my left hand has been up to for most of my life.
T-Rex: But if I had a transplant, I'd have no idea. There'd be a part of my body with a WHOLE DIFFERENT HISTORY than the rest of me: how is that not awesome?
Utahraptor: I imagine it'd raise some issues of identity and self...
T-Rex: I imagine it'd raise some issues of WHAT AWESOME THINGS MY HAND HAS BEEN UP TO!
T-Rex: Oh man!! Imagine if my LIVER came from an axe murderer? MINE WOULD BE THE LIVER THAT'S DANGEROUS TO KNOW, and my philosophy would be "If you're not interesting, at least have parts of you that are!"
T-Rex: ...Hey, do you want to swap feet sometime?