T-Rex: Let us assume that reasonable people can reasonably disagree!
T-Rex: It's the whole foundation of my friendship with Utahraptor so haha LET'S HOPE THAT'S THE CASE!
T-Rex: Thus, we can assume a certain amount of AMBIENT DISAGREEMENT in the world - the level you get simply by having folks running around with big ol' opinions.
Dromiceiomimus: True! And every NEW person would therefore increase the amount of disagreement in the world.
Utahraptor: And not just linearly either - it could be QUADRATIC!
T-Rex: Wait, really?
Utahraptor: If every person can talk to - and therefore, POTENTIALLY DISAGREE - with every other person, then YEP. Therefore the internet, in enabling peer-to-peer communication globally, is the greatest tool for creating disagreement that has ever been invented!
T-Rex: *GASP*!
T-Rex: ...Well, upon reflection, that actually explains a ton about how I feel every time I log onto the Disagreement Nexus, née "internet".
Off panel: I disagree: it only explains SOME of it!!
T-Rex: Hah hah hah!