T-Rex: We all know about the OCEANIC pole of inaccessibility in the South Pacific Ocean where you're furthest away from all land -
T-Rex: - largely because I mentioned it once over a decade ago -
T-Rex: - but there's similar poles of inaccessibility for every continent, every country, every province, every state! You just find the location that's the furthest away from any coastline. And then YOU TOO could live in the most inaccessible place around!
Dromiceiomimus: ...for boats.
T-Rex: For boats!!
Utahraptor: Or, you could live in the Centre of Population - which is the point where you're closest to EVERY OTHER PERSON ALIVE.
T-Rex: Oh dang. Where's that?
Utahraptor: Somewhere near Kazakhstan, but it moves around because people move around.
T-Rex: So there you have it!
T-Rex: If you like other people and want the shortest average distance to EVERY OTHER PERSON, live in Kazakhstan. If you want to be as far away from 'em as you can, then middle of the Pacific Ocean.