T-Rex: I was like, wow, it must suck to be a dog sometimes because everyone can tell when you're happy what with that big ol' tail wagging. But then I remembered that *I* smile and so everyone can tell when I'M happy too!
T-Rex: Like this!
Dromiceiomimus: You don't want people to know how you're feeling, T-Rex?
T-Rex: I don't necessarily ALWAYS want to be broadcasting my emotional state to the world, you know? Times are, I just want to keep my feelings to myself!
T-Rex: Li'l secret emotional states, just for me!
Utahraptor: It's dour, but you COULD train yourself not to smile.
T-Rex: I dunno, man.
Utahraptor: OR... you could study acting and then fake smile all the time, but so well that nobody can tell the difference! Pull it off and I guess you WOULD actually achieve your goal of all your closest friends never ACTUALLY knowing how you feel??
T-Rex: I love it!!
Narrator: AND SO:
T-Rex: Hi buddies!
Off panel: T-Rex is smiling, but that could mean ANYTHING.
Off panel: Let's ask him about his emotional state!!
T-Rex: Aw no way buddies!