T-Rex: Okay! It's been fun being mortal but LET'S BE REAL: it was never going to last forever.
T-Rex: That's BASICALLY the defining deal of mortality!
Dromiceiomimus: Yeah, but normally "nothing lasts forever" is meant in the "everybody dies" sense, not in the - as I assume you're using it - "now I must become immortal before this too too sullied flesh melts" sense.
T-Rex: Deciding to use it in that new sense is what makes me such a BOLD, DYNAMIC, FREETHINKING GUY. And, THEREFORE, a good guy to keep around forever??
Utahraptor: Oh boy, another aging guy who decided HE'S worth keeping around!
T-Rex: You don't feel the same way?!
Utahraptor: I think a world in which everyone dies is superior to one in which the rich can buy their way out of it, yes.
T-Rex: Just for that, I'm not going to make you immortal with me!
Utahraptor: You get how this only CONFIRMS my belief that this is bad, yeah?
T-Rex: Hey everyone! Utahraptor has aligned himself with DEATH!!
Off panel: Of course I have!!