T-Rex: I just thought of the best name for a Biblical version of LinkedIn.
Dromiceiomimus: Heh. Pretty good!
T-Rex: Pretty good, right?
Dromiceiomimus: Pretty good!!
Utahraptor: Alas, you are likely never to be in a position to name a Biblical version of LinkedIn!
T-Rex: Sure!
T-Rex: And this WOULD be a tragedy, but I realized if I become an author I can just write a story that FEATURES a Biblical version of LinkedIn and THEN use my joke. So, now I've got a new profession!
Utahraptor: You're really upending your life for the sake of a pun?
T-Rex: No, I'm doing it for the sake of a new career, a new job!
T-Rex: Well.
T-Rex: A whole book of 'em, really