T-Rex: I have another complaint about history people! And it is this:
T-Rex: They never invented cinematic universes!!
T-Rex: If you saw one Shakespeare play and you were like "Wow, that Hamlet kid was great! I'd love to see more of him!" you never could!
Dromiceiomimus: Probably because Hamlet dies in his play.
T-Rex: Okay, Macbeth.
Dromiceiomimus: Dies too, baby.
T-Rex: Romeo and Juliet?
Utahraptor: Dies and dies.
T-Rex: LADY Macbeth.
Utahraptor: Also dies.
T-Rex: Richard the second?
Utahraptor: Dies.
T-Rex: Richard the third!
Utahraptor: Dies, PLUS, his horse dies too.
T-Rex: Hey Shakespeare! Stop killing your main characters and invent cinematic universes!
Off panel: falstaff can show up in three plays I GUESS
T-Rex: Shakespeare!!
T-Rex: Could he perhaps assemble Avengers of some kind