T-Rex: Is there a product with a more aspirational and self-aggrandizing name than USB?
T-Rex: You're really saying this is the UNIVERSAL serial bus?
T-Rex: Because I'd bet my LIFE'S SAVINGS that if aliens exist out there in the universe, AND they have computers, AND those computers have a need for a serial bus, those jabronis came up with a different standard than USB.
Dromiceiomimus: Plus there's 10 different plug types in the spec. SO FAR.
T-Rex: Oh my gosh, you poor word "universal"! You're being ABUSED!!
Utahraptor: Not to mention the proprietary plugs - and the cables!!
T-Rex: Yes! Let's not mention them!
T-Rex: The conclusion is clear: instead of "Universal Serial Bus", it should be called "Only One Planet Serial Bus, or "Oops-B". "Can't wait for the new Oops-B spec," people will say. "Maybe there'll be a new plug."
T-Rex: That's right, everyone!
T-Rex: I will forget all about this by tomorrow but until then, I stand by my words!!