T-Rex: The date: history times! The time: once upon a! And the world: a very different place!
T-Rex: In fact, it's actually way simpler??
T-Rex: Look, most people face decisions "when shall I eat" and "will my Lord force me to toil in the fields on this, my 15th Birthe-Daye", but on the other hand, you really couldn't mess up THAT badly! Dromiceiomimus: Sure you could! Upset your landowner and you're dead!
T-Rex: Right, but you've just messed up your OWN life then. Utahraptor: You're concerned about messing up SEVERAL lives?
T-Rex: Look, even the most powerful king of history times couldn't END CIVILIZATION. But now we've got the nukes and plagues in storage and a dozen other situations wherein powerful people CAN mess up so badly that they die, we die AND EVERYBODY DIES!! And I, for one, don't think this is an improvement!!
Off panel: True, but on the other hand, you're not forced to toil in the field on your birthday. T-Rex: That's actually a very fair point, on account of how I really HATE toiling
What are the haps my friends
extraordinary claims require extraordinary shirts
February 19th, 2020:Who was the first person in history with the power to end civilizations? NOT ME, THAT'S FOR (THANKFULLY) SURE