T-Rex: What do I think prejudices will be like twenty years from now, well within the new millennium?
T-Rex: I'm glad you asked, self!
T-Rex: I can say this: people who save their files as ".jpeg" instead of ".jpg" will be ostracized for wasting their storage space and MY time.
Dromiceiomimus: Oooh! And any time someone writes "(:" instead of ":)", others will demand to know what in the world they're possibly trying to prove.
Utahraptor: I predict that those without wetware cyberhacks will be mocked by those who have them!
Utahraptor: I also predict that the scientists who were smart enough to invent bioimplants but stupid enough that the best name they could think for them was "wet" "ware": they too shall be mocked.
T-Rex: I for one can't wait for the future to arrive! Who KNOWS what prejudices we'll develop by then??
Narrator: PRESENT DAY:
T-Rex: Oh no
T-Rex: Oh no oh noooooo