Narrator: ~~FACEBOOK SIMULATOR~~ a comic to use when facebook is down 1) aim directly at face 2) read using eyes and brain 3) enjoy T-Rex: Let's see what's new on Facebook!
T-Rex: Oh wow! Turns out some of your Facebook friends DO find minor annoyances annoying!
T-Rex: Next up there's a sponsored post that says you won't believe what's blowing up Kickstarter. You'll easily believe it though; it's just a weird belt or something. Moving along. Ooh, look: another friend posted pictures of their baby even though literally everyone she knows has already seen that baby! Dromiceiomimus: Eugh. Better like it or I'll get a text asking why I didn't like her post.
T-Rex: Now another friend is posting lyrics from angry break up songs! Utahraptor: Let's like that too!
T-Rex: Bold choice. Here's a friend crossposting from Twitter, so all these @ tags don't work. Utahraptor: Like! T-Rex: Your aunt pasted 15 paragraphs and says "only 4% of Facebook will be brave enough to share this." Utahraptor: Like AND share!
T-Rex: Oh no! Upon inspection it was actually a racist screed that relies on made-up quotes and statistics! Narrator: AT THIS POINT YOU SHOULD FEEL LIKE YOU'D LIKE TO CLOSE FACEBOOK Narrator: THIS CONCLUDES FACEBOOK SIMULATOR
What are the haps my friends
i hope you like high fives
November 18th, 2015:Can Facebook TRULY be replaced by a 58kb png file? This creator of the 58kb png file says: yes!