T-Rex: I have another genius plan for immortality!
T-Rex: This time for sure!
T-Rex: I will be remembered in the CULTURAL ZEITGEIST. And this time I won't even have to do anything memorable! I will simply become famous by virtue of my being famous. I will construct a synthetic celebrity and I will reap the benefits!
Dromiceiomimus: But won't you be remembered as someone that nobody actually liked?
T-Rex: I am hoping to be remembered as "the dude with the confusing allure".
Utahraptor: So how do you become famous in the first place, then?
T-Rex: Huh?
T-Rex: Oh, I must have explained it poorly. I'll just act like I'm famous, you know, get people to react to me like I'm famous, and then kapow! We have CRITICAL MASS for actual fame.
Utahraptor: And I'm the guy who's going to be asked to act like you're famous?
T-Rex: You guess correctly!!
Narrator: LATER:
Off panel: Wow, is that T-Rex. He's the dude with the confusing allure, and I want to find out more?
T-Rex: Aw, come on!! You're not even punctuating it properly!