T-Rex: What should I do if I see someone littering? Every time I do something different and every time it feels like the wrong thing to do.
Narrator: all over the internet
T-Rex: I've tried doing nothing, but that left me feeling like a frustrated milquetoast pushover! I keep wanting to pull the "excuse me, you dropped this" line, but it is sort of an aggressive thing to do, especially if the way I say it makes it clear I think it was, indeed, NO ACCIDENT. I could see that leading to a confrontation, and I don't want to be that guy who throws punches over empty cans of Coke!
Utahraptor: You could throw down over disgusting used Kleenexes!
T-Rex: But it's an overreaction, isn't it?
T-Rex: I don't know - littering's this perfectly situated thing where it's not THAT big a deal taken individually, but a really antisocial thing when taken on a larger scale.
Utahraptor: And yet, not really, when you compare it to, say, murderin' dudes.
T-Rex: Exactly! I don't know how I should react when confronted with a small instance of a small crime, but which still bothers me. All I can think of is to sneak poo bugs into the dude's food?
Off panel: Poo bugs aren't an all-purpose revenge tool, T-Rex.
T-Rex: You take that back!!